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Blog 42: Leaping into your life or same sh*t different day

Jan 3, 2020! Here we are in a new decade. I am up at 4:30 am in Bogota Colombia. My schedule of sleep has been wacky since traveling through the night. So it’s time to get up and spend some time with myself.

The topic for this blog that’s on my heart is the concept of LEAPING or STEPPING or MICRO-MOVEMENTS into what’s next. Just in this last month I could go through several leaps (some tiny hops off the curb, others feel like gazelle strides) I have made in several areas of my life.

If I am honest there are certain aspects of my life that feel MUCH more comfortable to take large strides than other areas. And you know what…..that’s OKAY! It is not so much about how much forward motion you are making but that you are not resisting and staying stuck or in total avoidance of looking within in these moments.

Do you know what stuck feels like? It feels like the same-shit different day. OR WORSE. We ALL have something going on in our life that feels like a drudgery, or repetitive loops, or hopeless. You know what? This is probably the area you have the most FEAR. Fear is not rational but it underlies so much of our behavior until we can start to change the loop consciously internally (and then externally).

I know for me, there are parts of me that I keep bound-up like fort knox. Learning to crack a little light into those parts of me feels UNCOMFORTABLE. And guess where life keeps taking me? Right up to those doors and banging on them. This is the beauty of our INTELLIGENT Universe or GOD or however you wish to label our human experience.

(Full transparency: My leap in the last month have been in making a few big business decisions , and my small baby-step has been in acknowledging/being okay to let in my feelings of sadness when they come up instead of avoiding, pretending thats not real, or making light of it). It’s possible the real LEAP is the acknowledgment of my feelings.

SO in starting this year, where do you need to make some movement forward? Where can you take a giant leap? Where can you make a small baby step? Both can be celebrated. Most importantly where can you offer yourself more grace, acceptance, and acknowledgement for your path and how far you also have come? Seeing your seasons in life and the progress you have made is equally as important as being open to moving forward.

I am in a season of offering myself more PEACE, and EASE (internally) and getting help to create more awareness of where I can create that. Less self-judgement, less explaining myself, more grace for the areas of my life that can feel like repetitive loops.

More grace and celebration in how awesome some of the leaps and small steps I can reflect on —and really CELEBRATE. Most of us keep looking for the answers – happiness, joy, affirmation, peace, fulfillment etc outside ourself (I know I do) and the truth is, it can not be found there.

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