Blog 55. Natural Law and Being Human.

Thinking about your own likeness to nature and being a species on planet earth…. have you ever thought much about it?

Have you thought much about how natural law affects the ebb and flow of nature and how we are not above that?

Have you thought about animals patterns and natures rhythms when you are looking at your own rhythms?

I have. Frequently. It’s something I think about a lot. I like looking at life and health and how it unfolds from different perspectives. This perspective (of being fully part of the Mother Nature) that has helped me make sound decisions as well as a decisions that are based in less fear.

I’ll give you an example.

Birth - Do animals lay on their backs and put their legs up while they are trying to push out their babies. DO they try to force a baby to come early when labor hasn’t started? Do they make all these rules around the “how.” NO. So why would we. Let’s use gravity and movement and instinct instead. On this topic especially we have educated “instinct” out of ourselves almost completely.

Eating. Is a GMO product what mother nature would have produced and designed your body to know how to break down? Or are these “foods” going against natural law and which will find another way. Why do animals avoid some foods that humans eat? For this reason, I choose to avoid frankenfood when possible. I also know my system has many built in ways to detox (with my kidneys, liver, waste elimination etc) so I don’t fear what I do encounter.

Natural law will destroy what is not in harmony with HER. Another way to say this is I believe that GOD or Source is always in control. That which is not in alignment will be brought back to the light; however destruction can be part of the process.

Viruses. They have been around longer than any of us many times over. Yes- there is constant evolution with what our bodies encounter and yet before modern medicine; life has evolved and survived. I trust in that knowledge. Other animal populations will have viruses it is part of nature’s way. We are not meant to live forever. That is not meant to sound cold. Yet it’s the truth. Birth is 100% and Death is 100%. We are going to experience both personally and with those we love. Yes, I am attached to my circle of humans and I also respect GOD, Nature, Source whatever semantics you use. I do not see the full picture. I am in it. I respect that I am part of this system, not smarter than it, not in control of it. I want to honor my place in this system; not death grip and fear the unfolding of it.

I love humanity and I wish we as a collective could remember more of where we came from. WE are NOT smarter than mother nature. WE are not more advanced than our beautiful systems that are intricately designed as part of the WHOLE of Universe. We are in relation with HER. Let’s live with less fear and remember this.

If this speaks to you, wonderful - help others find this in them again.


Blog 56. 21 questions to bring into 2021


Blog 54: A Poor Choice and Blood in my Mouth.